Queer and feminism – perspectives and practical applicability
General Assembly
Workshop: 11’00-19’00 During the whole day: Banner painting, action related crafts, and making of one’s own goodie bags for the night’s treasure hunt.
Lecture and workshop: 11’00-13’00 Dean Spade: Critical Trans and Intersectional Politics and the Limits of Law.
Talk: 11’00-13’00 Ain’t I a Woman: Sexism within the left movement and information about the campaign
Concert: 14-14.30 Rae Spoon
Talk: 14’30-16’00 ISM (International Solidarity Movement): Sexism, migration and the Israelian occupation of Palestine
Workshop: 14’30-16’00 Anarchopride: queer anarchist survival workshop.
workhop: 16-18 Rythm of Resistance, presentation.
Talk: 16’00-17’00 the LGBTQ-group within No One is Illegal Göteborg.
Workshop: 16’00-18’00 Reclaim Society! Berlin: Am I your sister? Feminism and whiteness reclaim society! Is a domination critical collective based in berlin.
Discussion: 17’00-18’00 Action discussion
Dinner (18-19)
Demostration: 20’00-00’00 at Medborgarplatsen QUEER RIOT in solidarity with Pussy Riot (Russia). No borders. No papers. No control.20’00-00’00