Anti-racism: We are lead to believe that we need protection from the authority, from a leader of a nation– migration control is the state telling us to be racist. We can never accept that the possibility to live our life is conditioned by where – inside of which borders – […]
Author: Admin For No Border Stockholm
Swedish Whiteness and Swedish Racism
Tent1 on the 21th at 11’00 to 13’00. The presentation is about contemporary Swedish whiteness and its relations to both Swedish racism and Swedish antiracism, and how this relates to Swedishness and the history and future of Sweden. I will present in English, and I want to participate in the […]
Everything You Need to Know for the No Border-Camp (Updated)
This is a small guide that is meant to provide as much information as possible about the transnational no border camp to be held in Stockholm between 17/6-24/6 2012th If you are missing some information, please contact us and we will update the text! Program The program is structured around […]
First of all, take a minute to read the camp’s principles here: # Where will the camp site be located? The camp will be located in a field at the farm Hästa Gård, Akalla, Stockholm. The adress is Hästa Gård, 164 74 Kista. You can find it on the map […]
17th Welcome to the No Border Camp Stockholm
Today We will Demonstrated and welcome everyone to no borders finishing with a film in the evening. 10’00-11’00 General Assembly: introducing the camp structure 12’00 together towards demo 13’00-17’00 Demo through the city In accordance with the accusation and horrific evidence presented by Tribunal 12 about Fort Europe, the struggle […]
11’30 Solidarity demo organized by Action against Deportation Stockholm. Talk: 17’00-18’00 Tent2 Control(s) at the borders. Frontex and the technologies of control. This presentation should give a critical description about the situation at eastern borders, the development of Frontex and the evolution of the Research on High Technologies (Biometric devices, […]
Today the 19th
Today DIY – sustainability and autonomy as a means of challenging the nation-state system. Workshop: 11’00-19’00 Tent2 Action trainning, skill-sharing and com-radio 11’00-13’00 and 14’00-17’00 Tent1 Voicing Resistance – empowerment workshop for people of color where does the term “people of color” come from? who was may ayim? who is […]
Queer and feminism – perspectives and practical applicability General Assembly Workshop: 11’00-19’00 During the whole day: Banner painting, action related crafts, and making of one’s own goodie bags for the night’s treasure hunt. Lecture and workshop: 11’00-13’00 Dean Spade: Critical Trans and Intersectional Politics and the Limits of Law. Talk: 11’00-13’00 Ain’t […]
Manifestation OCH Blockad mot G4S i Stockholm
Manifestation och blockad mot G4S i Stockholm 19 juni 2012 Den 19 juni genomfördes en manifestation vid G4S på Kungsholmen där ungefär 100 personer deltog, ett kravbrev lämnades över och hundratals flygblad delades ut till allmänheten. Det genomfördes också en blockad utanför G4S garage för att förhindra företagets bilar att […]